home> STORY >the story of Sokcho jeotgal


The story of jeotgal in Sokcho, Gangwon-do

The story of Sokcho jeotgal
from ancient times

Jeotgal, a palace food, is first mentioned in the historical records of the Three Kingdoms of Korea.
During the Goryeo Dynasty, various types of shellfish such as freshwater fish, sea fish, mussels,
and abalone were used in jeotgal, and there were diverse methods of making it.

The traditional taste of
Sokcho jeotgal
Classification by
added ingredients

Started making seasoned jeotgal tarted making seasoned jeotgal

Sokcho jeotgal began to gain fame after refugees from
Hamgyeong-do, who settled in large numbers in Abai Village,
Cheongho-dong after the Korean War, started making seasoned jeotgal using squid, pollack, and flounder caught
in season in Sokcho. Currently, the taste and tradition of seasoned jeotgal, a traditional
fermented seafood product, is being carried on for
three generations, and Sokcho is recognized as the top
origin of seasoned jeotgal in the country.

Classification according to fermentation technology,
aging period, and added ingredients